There are many reasons to add life insurance to your financial portfolio. It could be you want to provide financial stability to your spouse or dependents in the event of your premature death. Some people use life insurance as a wealth perpetuation tool, investing current earnings into an insurance policy that will pass on wealth later. Others use it to provide assets that pay for the buyout of a business or the taxes on an estate that is being left to heirs. Life insurance has advantages for the insured, as well, with certain policies accruing significant value that can be used during your lifetime.
Whatever your future financial goals, Cliff Insurance Agency, based in Middleton, Wisconsin, and has been helping individuals and families with their insurance needs for more than 50 years.
We have the expertise to help you find the best policy—or set of policies—for your needs.
Types of Life Insurance
When you choose Cliff Insurance Agency in Madison, WI, you can expect the highest level of quality insurance provided at an affordable price. From boat to boat to car insurance, we have just the right coverage provided at the best prices. We are an independent insurance company with access to competitive quotes from many different insurance companies. This allows us to offer the very best rates for our customers.
Married Couples
As part of your financial planning, consider the debts you carry and the income earned by each potential surviving party. Without life insurance, the trauma of losing one’s spouse could be compounded by the stress of unmet bills and possibly the loss of the family home. Keep in mind that those kinds of bills aren’t only for the young—older couples with grown children still have debt and income to balance in the event of the death of one spouse.
The Care of Young Children
Most parents, single or married, worry about what will happen to their children if a parent dies early. Much of that anxiety centers on the children’s financial well-being. Using affordable life insurance, parents can make sure that there is enough money to pay for their children’s basic needs and maybe even for college.
Life Insurance for Single People
Although singles don’t have dependents, there are other reasons for starting life insurance early. It’s usually much less expensive to buy a policy when you are young, and you will benefit by locking into insurance while you are still in excellent health. If you choose a policy that accrues cash value, you will be pleasantly surprised at how much you have built up over 20, 30 or—imagine—60 years!
We provide protection one life at a time.
For more than five decades, Cliff Insurance Agency has been dedicated to serving Wisconsin residents with the best in insurance products and advice. We serve the communities of Middleton, Madison, Verona, Sun Prairie, McFarland, Mt. Horeb, Cross Plains, Monona, Maple Grove, Cottage Grove, Deerfield, Mazomanie, and beyond. We’d like an opportunity to show you how we can help serve you. Please give us a call at 1-800-270-5101 to discuss what life insurance options are available to you. Or, if you prefer email us or complete and return the form above.